Get ready for the annual “Fall Back” time as Daylight Saving Time will be coming to an end at 2 A-M this Sunday

Get ready for the annual “Fall Back” time as Daylight Saving Time will be coming to an end at 2 A-M this Sunday. Before going to bed Saturday night, set all your clocks and watch back one hour to Central Standard Time. This may be one of the last times to change your clocks for Daylight Savings Time. This U-S Senate in the Spring unanimously passed the Sunshine Protection Act that would make Daylight Saving Time permanent in the nation. The House did not pass the measure. And so, Daylight Saving Time will return next March 12th and will end on November 5th. And that may be the last time that we will have to adjust our clocks.
State Fire Marshal Tim Bean recommends Missouri families invest the extra time gained this weekend as we “fall back” to Central Standard Time to take several simple steps to keep their families safe during autumn and winter. Bean says, “Having working smoke alarms in your home is one of the simplest and most important steps you can take to increase your family’s safety. Installing and maintaining smoke alarms can reduce your chances of dying in a fire by 50 percent. The majority of home fire deaths occur in homes without working smoke alarms. Smoke alarms give you extra time to get out, and today’s homes burn faster and hotter than structures built decades ago. This is why we ask Missourians to test their smoke alarms and change the batteries when they move their clocks back each fall.”