Woman charged with shooting out tires on a vehicle

Incidents that took place in March has led to felony charges against a woman who was staying in Camden County. 43 year old Jessica Elizabeth Fox is accused of luring another person to Kolb Hollow Road and Foster Road, and then shooting the tires of the victim’s vehicle. The victim stated that Fox had called and said that she was being abused by the people she was living with, and they drove more than 3 hours to pick her up. When the victim arrived at the agreed location, someone showed up at the vehicle pointing a gun at the victim. As they were trying to leave, shots were fired at the victim’s vehicle and two tires were hit. The investigation is continuing.

In the meantime, Fox is charged with first degree assault and unlawful use of a weapon with an arraignment date of May 8th. She was also charged with tampering with a witness after repeated messages to the victim telling them to drop the charges against her.