Block leave starts Saturday at Fort Wood
This is the time of the year for Holiday Block Leave at Fort Leonard Wood, a time when trainees go home to be with family members for the holidays and permanent party can do the same.
Holiday Block Leave this season will be from this Saturday until early in January. Post officials say more than 6,000 military trainees at Fort Wood have purchased airfare tickets totaling more than 1.2-million dollars for the holidays and more than 250-thousand dollars for bus transportation. For trainees who have chosen to spend the holidays on Fort Wood, there are several activities to be enjoyed including scuba lessons, bowling, and enjoying holiday meals at the USO Club. There will be an opportunity to spend the day at Bass Pro Outdoor Adventure Center in Springfield. Phelps For The Fort will have a music program featuring Operation Rising Star winner, Christiana. Friends of the Fort in Laclede County will offer Rock the Block for the trainees.