The Laclede County Health Department has received notification of 7 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in Laclede County, bringing the Total case number to 40 cases.
The locations and times of possible exposure are as follows:

case 35: a household contact with a previous case, no local public exposure. symptomatic.

case 36: June 24th, 6:30 pm-8:30 pm at Lebanon First Assembly Church, not symptomatic not wearing a mask

case 37: no public exposure,  quarantined upon returning home from travel, symptomatic

case 38: June 28th at Lebanon first assembly Church 9 am-12:45
June 29th, 6:30 pm-7:30 pm Lebanon first assembly, not symptomatic not wearing a mask

case 39: exposure at camp Niangua youth camp June 22 – June 26th, not symptomatic not wearing a mask

case 40: exposure at camp Niangua youth camp June 22- June 26th
June 26th, 11:30 am-12:30 Dennys of Lebanon
June 27th Lebanon graduation, symptomatic on 27th not wearing a mask