Results are in for the Missouri State Highway Patrol school bus inspections
Every year, the Missouri State Highway Patrol does safety inspections of every school bus in the state. The results of the patrol’s school bus inspection program have been released. Eleven area schools had 90 percent or more of their buses pass inspection and earned the Patrol’s Total Fleet of Excellence Award for 2023. The award-winning schools were Camdenton with 100 percent of their buses passing inspection, Dixon with 90 percent passing, Eldon with 92.6 percent, Houston with 100 percent, Iberia with 100 percent, Laquey with 100 percent, Lebanon with 93.5 percent, Licking with 94.1 percent, Rolla with 96.8 percent, Stoutland with 100 percent, and Waynesville with 91.9 percent. The buses from these schools have earned the right to display the Patrol’s Total Fleet of Excellence sticker in the lower corner of the first window on the passenger entry side of each bus.