Kid’s Catfish Derby
Fort Leonard Wood’s Training Area 228 pond is the place to be for young anglers who want to hook a catfish. The Kid’s Catfish Derby, hosted by the Directorate of Public Works Natural Resources Branch, is open to youth anglers ages 15 and younger. Registration starts at 8:30 this Saturday morning. Youth can cast their hooks in the water from 9 a.m. to noon. Last year, 130 children participated in the event. Kenton Lohraff, chief of the Directorate of Public Work’s Natural Resources Branch, says, “We hope new fishers can enjoy some quality time outside with their adults. Hopefully, participants will pass along what can become a lifelong activity and fishing tradition to youth, and maybe even get some dinner while they are at it.” Anglers are asked to bring their own gear, “but limited loaner equipment will be available.” The pond is stocked with 400 Channel Catfish and some of them might have grown to 5 to 8 pounds. The catfish are tagged and youngsters who catch a tagged one will win a prize. According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, common bait for Channel Catfish includes ribbed, rubber worms, or night crawlers, chicken liver, grasshoppers, crayfish, or small fish rigged on a straight, treble, or circle hook. The Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation’s Outdoor Adventure Center is preparing to provide hotdogs and drinks.