Fatal Shooting update
The investigation into a fatal shooting in Lebanon continues to reveal evidence, including the theft of drugs and electronics. The three men involved reportedly went to a residence on Albert Street where they had planned to hit the house of a drug supplier. At one location, Ethan Williams and Zachary Gillis kicked open a door, went inside, and stole an Xbox. They then went to a second house which was unlocked and stole marijuana from the people who were inside. As the suspects, identified as 23-year-old Ethan Williams and Zachary Gillis were running out, someone shot at them, hitting Williams in the back. Instead of driving Williams to the hospital the other men in the car, Gillis and Blake Paulson, who are soldiers from Fort Leonard Wood, drove back to Williams’s house on Monroe Street in Lebanon, dumped him, and drove away. Williams died on the ground outside the residence. The two told authorities that they threw a duffle bag out of the vehicle. Investigators from Fort Leonard Wood who were assisting in the investigation located zip ties, duct tape, and guns in Paulson’s wife’s car which was parked in Rolla. Gillis and Paulson are both charged with second-degree murder, burglary, and stealing. A 16-year-old who is believed to have fired the shot that killed Williams is in custody on unrelated charges.