City Council Meets
Lebanon City Council approved the second reading of bills to rezone 2 properties in the City. 250 Harwood Avenue is rezoned from RS-2 Residential to NC-Neighborhood Commercial to allow the property to operate as a Salon and Spa; in addition, land located at 2804 Morgan Road from C-1 Commercial and RS-1 Residential to RS-4 Residential to accommodate city code related to manufactured homes without a permanent foundation. In other business, Council considered a Broker of Record Agreement between the City and Ollis and Company for Insurance Broker Services for Property and Casualty Insurance. CIty Finance Director Kat Gill shared that the agreement will save the city some money….
The agreement will Ollis and Company will have an option for renewal for another 3 years. The agreement was approved with a unanimous vote.
During Monday night’s meeting Council approved the removal of a 2007 International Altec Bucket Truck from surplus, placing it back in the City’s active fleet.City Administrator Mike Schumacher and Public Works Director Richard Shockley said they are working around lengthy lead times for receiving new equipment.
The 2007 will be used by the Street Department replacing a 2002 which will be sold at auction or scrapped.
Lebanon City Council also approved Automated Control Solutions to provide services, including, reports, plans, specifications and other documents, as stated in Task Orders for the upkeep of the waste water system. Council also approved Ace Pipe Cleaning for cleaning out the system in the Goodwin Hollow Watershed. Environmental Director Eric Mork said they are preparing the lines for a study of the system….
The contract was approved at a cost not to exceed $267,400. Council approved the purchase of Water Material Restock and Wastewater Projects from Schulte Supply and Scurlock Industries, for projects on Pearl Street and East Bland Road, at a cost of just over $17-thousand-500, and they approved the purchase of Water Materials from Butler Supply and Core and Main LP for the Water Line Project located at Jefferson Avenue and Highway 32, at a cost of just over $33-thousand. Finally Leo Morgan Fencing was approved for the fencing project at the new Pickle Ball Courts at Wallace Park with the bid cost of $13-thousand-900.