City Council Meets Monday Night

Two rezoning requests were on the agenda for consideration by Lebanon City Council. The first reading of the request to rezone 250 Harwood Avenue to Neighborhood Commercial, and 2804 Morgan Road were both approved. Council approved the second reading on the bill that will require 60 days notice and an approved permit before the streets and/ or sidewalks in Downtown can be closed. In other business, the Council approved the purchase of the Citibot Communication software. Derek Gean with the City of Lebanon shared some of the features that citizens will be able to utilizeā€¦.

Gean said they will do onboarding in a couple of days, and then Citibot should be live in a couple of months. Over a 3-year term, the program will cost the city just over 54 thousand dollars.

In other business, Jarrad Schomaker presented a ground lease agreement at the airport. He reported to Council that the concrete pad is located next to the Durham hanger.

The approved lease will be for $500 a year. In other business, the Council approved the sale of city-owned property on Williams Street for $4995.