Laclede County 4-H Competes In Meat Judging

Meats judging teams from Laclede County brought home second in both divisions of the state 4-H contest, hosted February 17th by University of Missouri Extension in Columbia. The junior division saw Luke Wigginton lead the county’s team by placing second individually, followed by Harper Johansen in eighth and Laney Prince in tenth. A team from Monroe County won the junior division, while Aiden Wimmer of Callaway County won top individual honors.

In the senior division, Wyatt and Rory Wigginton picked up fourth and fifth place to lead Laclede County’s team. Eliah Nisbett also secured a top-ten finish by placing ninth. A team from Audrain County won the senior division, including the top two individual participants. They’ll represent Missouri at the national 4-H meats judging contest, taking place as part of the American Royal in Kansas City.