Webster County Unofficial Election Results 4-5-22

Voters in Webster County turned out at just under 11 percent for Tuesday’s election. 2539 ballots were cast. Voters in Marshfield said no to the Make It Equal question which would have imposed a local use tax on online sellers and vendors that would have been the same as local retailers charge. Voters in the Marshfield School District voted Mark William Messick and Janette Clark to the school board. Those in the Seymour School District elected Ashley Kelly and Joshua Wright to represent them. Voters in Fordland elected Brett Simmons and James Budd to the Board of Aldermen. Stacy Lee won the Marshfield West Ward Aldermen seat. Marshfield voters also rejected Make It Equal question number two on the ballot on Tuesday. Voters in Seymour elected Alicia Hagen to be the Mayor. These results are unofficial until certification.