Waynesville school district announces free meals to ALL students enrolled in grades K-12 in the district through December 18th.
(Waynesville)–The Waynesville School District announced Tuesday that the District in partnership with OPAA! will offer FREE meals to ALL students enrolled in grades K-12 in the district through December 18th. “We are pleased to announce that the state and federal programs have been extended until the end of this calendar year, which will allow the district to offer free breakfasts and lunches through December 18th, 2020,” said Dr. Brian Henry, superintendent. Even though the meals are being served free, it is critical that all families complete and return the Free and Reduced Lunch Form at https://www.waynesville.k12.mo.us/Domain/908 for this school year. Completed Free/Reduced forms are necessary so that the district can continue to qualify for and provide Breakfast in the Classroom and the After School Super Snack program. If you have questions about the form, please call Faith Dunn at 573-842-2099.
In addition to traditional students receiving free meals on school days, students who are enrolled in the district’s Tiger Virtual Academy may pick up their week’s worth of free meals from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Mondays at Waynesville High School. If Monday is a holiday, the meal pickup will be available on Tuesday. Funds for breakfast and lunch meals are being provided through the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) in partnership with OPAA! Funding for super snacks is provided through funds from the Department of Health and Human Services Food and Nutrition Child and Adult Food Care Program.