Two Awards presented by Mayor Carr on Monday Night

Lebanon’s NAMI Chapter was recognized for their efforts in the Adopt a Street Program by Lebanon City Council. Lebanon Mayor Jared Carr presented a plaque to the group and leader Donna Caffey. Street Supervisor Mike Moore was very pleased that the group received the honor….

As NAMI’s commitment they are responsible for the cleanliness of South Washington to Gadd Street and the storm drainage behind McDonalds and Wendy’s.

Also on Monday night, Lebanon Police Officer Jake Little was presented the Life Saving Award.  Sergeant Matt Wright related the incident which led to actions by Officer Little saving a man’s life, during a call in November 2019,. The call was for a suicidal man who was threatening to jump off the 129 exit overpass…

He said Officer Little is a credit to the Lebanon Police Department.The award was presented by Police Chief Brian Arnold and Mayor Jared Carr.