Today’s one of the days that the Fort Leonard Wood community can see a preview of this year’s Know Your World event

Today’s one of the days that the Fort Leonard Wood community can see a preview of this year’s Know Your World event that will take place on August 25th in Nutter Fieldhouse.
Julissa Craven of the International Military Student Office at Fort Wood tells us more.

Today international military students from India, Pakistan, Serbia, and Slovenia will have their displays available for preview from 11:30 AM to 1 PM in Thurman Hall. On Friday, students from Argentina, Gambia, Nigeria, and Taiwan will have their displays available to preview, again from 11:30 AM to 1 PM in Building 470.
And then next week, international students from 42 countries will participate in the 21st annual Know Your World event on Friday, August 25th, from 6 to 8 PM in Nutter Field House. Students will share their cultural pride, music, informational displays, and even food from their home countries. Two passports, one for adults and one for children, will be available to help guide participants through the various displays. The event will be free and open to the public.
Over 800 people attended last year’s Know Your World at Fort Wood.