This is Winter Weather Preparedness Week, November 15th through 19th. During this week, Missourians are being reminded to prepare for cold temperatures and potentially dangerous weather this winter. State Emergency Management Director Jim Remillard says, “Most Missourians have experienced frigid temperatures and icy road conditions, but many do not take the steps to prepare so they don’t wind up getting stranded in the cold.” In 2020, there was more than 5,500 vehicle crashes in Missouri in which snow or ice were factors, which resulted in 1,698 injuries and 26 deaths. Even if not directly involved in a crash, an accident blocking the roadway could cause other drivers to be stranded for hours. Avoiding non-essential travel during winter storms is one of the best ways to reduce the chance of becoming involved in a crash or becoming stranded. It also allows snow removal crews to clear the roads faster and first responders to get to crashes more quickly. Missourians should also consider creating a family emergency plan and an emergency kit. Emergency supplies should include bottled water, canned and dry foods, battery-powered radio, flashlights, extra batteries, a manual can opener, and a first-aid kit. When power outages are possible, charge cell phones and other devices in advance so you are able to communicate if power is lost. They should assemble a separate vehicle winter emergency kit. Include a blanket, radio with spare batteries, snacks or energy-type food, jumper cables, flares, shovel, and sand or shingles to give tires traction.