There will be a change in food service providers next month for military personnel at Fort Leonard Wood
There will be a change in food service providers next month for military personnel at Fort Leonard Wood. The current provider, EDP Enterprises, was notified on May 15th that its contract would be terminated by the State of Missouri at the close of business on June 14th. EDP employs 948 food service workers, many of whom are represented by the National Association of Government Employees union. However, a representative of Blackstone Consulting in Los Angeles, California, reports that the company he represents will be the next service provider at Fort Leonard Wood and that company plans to keep all the current food service workers. In its mission statement, Blackstone Consulting says it will follow the Army’s dining facility nutrition labeling education Go For Green program. Go For Green is a nutritional recognition labeling system providing the Soldiers with a quick assessment of the nutritional value of menu offerings and food products in the dining facility. Food items labeled green are recommended for eating often, amber for eating occasionally, and red for eating rarely. Blackstone Consulting takes over from EDP on June 15th.