Suit filed to allow the fear of Covid-19 to be a reason to file absentee
The League of Women Voters of Missouri wants the fear of Covid-19 to be considered a valid reason to request an absentee ballot in Missouri. The lawsuit filed in Cole County also seeks to prevent local election officials from refusing those absentee ballots or requiring them to be notarized. League of Women Voters President Evelyn Maddox says no notary absentee voting is the best way to ensure Missouri Voters can participate in the 2020 Elections.
The next municipal election is on June 2nd, but Maddox said this is beyond the stay at home order…
According to Maddox, St., Louis County has already mailed absentee ballot applications to voters over 60 since they are at higher risk of a severe reaction to the virus, but other election authorities are not proactively enabling absentee voting in 2020. A federal has already ruled on a similar lawsuit filed in Texas allowing COVID-19 to be cited as a disability requirement on the mail-in ballot request forms.