Missouri University of Science and Technology’s Experimental Mine in Rolla will be haunted once again this October. The 2021 Haunted Mine will be open 6-11 p.m. on Friday, October 22nd; Saturday, October 23rd; Friday, October 29th; Saturday, October 30th; and Sunday, October 31st. Tickets are $15 for adults and $13 for children under 10, Missouri S&T students and members of the military with valid IDs. Guests can get a discount of a dollar per item up to $3 per person by bringing canned goods to donate to Russell House. On any of the nights before Halloween, groups with small children will be able to walk through the mine with the lights on from 5-6 p.m. for $5 per child. The Experimental Mine is located at 12350 Private Drive 7002 in Rolla, just off Bridge School Road. The tradition of haunting the mine began in 1997 as a way for Missouri S&T students in mining and explosives engineering to raise funds to participate in competitions and attend conferences throughout the year. The event was canceled for the first time last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.