Roads and Sales Tax
When you make a purchase in Laclede County you pay sales tax. Those sales tax funds allow government officials to take care of the many expenditures required to operate the county. Elected officials have a responsibility to spend those funds, and Presiding Commissioner Randy Angst said they take that responsibility seriously…..
Each year, County Officials budget dollars to maintain their offices, for projects, and expenditures necessary to provide service to residents. In addition to salaries and benefits another large expense for the county is road maintenance. Angst said the budget for the county road and bridge department is about $3-million-dollars, part of which comes from the County Development Tax…
Angst said sales tax income remains strong in Laclede County. In April, general revenue sales tax came in at just over $206-thousand, the County Development Tax came in at just over $206-thousand, and the Law Enforcement and 9-1-1 Sales Tax was just over $77-thousand-dollars.