Pulaski County Covid cases total 134 as of Monday afternoon
The Pulaski County Health Center in Crocker reported Monday afternoon that Pulaski County has had an aggregate total of 134 confirmed COVID-19 test results. This is an increase of 7 over the past week. The Health Center now is releasing Covid-19 totals every Monday afternoon, and not when each case is reported. Free drive-thru testing is provided in Pulaski County by Central Ozarks Medical Center in Richland each Wednesday, from 5 pm – 7 pm. You can also obtain testing through most other local healthcare providers. The Pulaski County Health Center says it has taken and will continue to take all necessary precautions to keep the community safe. It will continue to diligently monitor for COVID-19 cases and aggressively perform contact tracing as recommended by the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. The Health Center strongly encourages, if you suspect that you have COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, call your healthcare provider before seeking care or call the toll-free hotline at 877-435-8411.