Preparation Urged by Water Safety Council for First Summer Holiday Weekend
Boaters can expect to encounter significantly increased boating traffic on Lake of the Ozarks for the
Memorial Day weekend so the Water Safety Council stresses preparation for the first big summer
holiday. Lake of the Ozarks is the one of the premier boating recreation destinations in the Midwest.
According to Bob May Co-Chair of the Lake of the Ozarks Water Safety Council “the careful selection and
use of properly sized life jackets is the first things boaters should consider before they get out on the
water.” Coast Guard reports indicate that 86% of drowning victims were not wearing a life jacket. Life
jackets should be checked for wear. There must be a properly sized jacket readily available for
everyone on the boat.
In Missouri children age 7 and under must wear a life jacket at all times while on
a boat. In addition, boats must carry a throwable device to assist in water rescue.
May also commented “Before the boating fun begins boaters should check their other boat equipment.”
The items for inspection include batteries, first aid kit, tool kit, docking lines, bumpers, and fire
extinguisher. Federal rules for boats 26 feet and less in length require the operator to have an engine
cut-off lanyard or fob in use while underway to prevent boat strike injuries in the event the operator is
thrown overboard.
Boaters as they arrive at the lake should make sure the drain plug is in before launch. Before starting
the motor, if equipped, the blower should be run for several minutes to remove fuel vapor. When on
the water, boaters should be courteous and observe right-of-way rules. Getting off to a good start is
important to enjoying time on the water.
The Lake of the Ozarks Water Safety Council is a not-for-profit organization that promotes boating and
water safety at the Lake of the Ozarks and the Midwest. The Water Safety Council was formed in 2007
to promote water safety and to serve as a source for boating and water safety information. The Council
has representation from the local area Chambers of Commerce, Missouri State Highway Patrol-Water
Division, Camden County Health Department, U.S. Coast Guard, Ameren Missouri, and community