Possible Exposure to COVID-19 in Laclede Co.
The Laclede County Health Department was notified on Thursday afternoon that a resident from Webster County, who was symptomatic and tested positive for COVID-19, visited several Laclede County businesses. Laclede County Health Department Administrator, Charla Baker, says they have been working with the affected businesses………..
Baker says four of those locations where residents could have been exposed are in Lebanon, while the fifth business is in Conway…….
Baker urges anyone who may have been in those locations at that time to monitor their condition for fourteen days following those dates. If you develop any symptoms, contact your local health care provider or the Health Department at 532-2134. Symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and a loss of taste or smell. Baker did not know if the Webster County resident knew they had tested positive for COVID-19 when they traveled to Lebanon and Conway.