(St. Robert)–The Fort Leonard Wood Region tourism committee has unveiled a new regional tourism website www.exploreflw.com, aimed at increasing tourism throughout the entire four-county region. In 2019, the Sustainable Ozarks Partnership created the committee as part of the Office of Economic Adjustment grant received by the cities of St. Robert and Waynesville. The committee includes tourism professionals, city officials, and business leaders from the four-county region. The committee conducted surveys throughout the region and then established long-term plans to collaborate efforts focusing on developing community partnerships, increasing military tourism, and enhancing military family life, for those who are currently stationed at Fort Leonard Wood and those who retire in the region. The committee serves as the central point of communication for regional tourism. “The website was created as a collaborative effort to promote Pulaski, Phelps, Laclede, and Texas Counties to travelers visiting, and residents of, the Fort Leonard Wood Region,” said Fort Wood Hotels director of sales and marketing and FLW Region tourism committee co-chair Judy Fortner.