Wright, Texas, and Pulaski County Libraries have been approved for grants from the Secretary of State’s Office, to respond to coronavirus health and safety concerns.
Texas County received $33-hundred-39-dollars to purchase masks and hand sanitizer for patron and staff safety. They will also purchase craft items to create grab-n-go bags for summer library program participants. Wright County Library has been approved for $13-hundred-14-dollars to implement wireless printing, making it easier and quicker for patrons
to print from personal devices. The Pulaski County Library will receive $18-thousand-606-dollars to address digital equity and COVID-19 health and safety concerns by implementing a hotspot-lending program, adding touchless, mobile checkout, and adding eBooks and eAudiobooks that are in high demand. Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft announced the Missouri State Library has awarded a total of $960-thousand-338-dollars in CARES and LSTA grant funds to 60 libraries.