Local Signs of Deepening Covid Concerns
There are more signs that the Covid crisis is deepening in the local area.
25th Judicial Circuit Presiding Judge John Beger has issued an administrative order requiring masks be worn by individuals on the third floor of the county courthouse in Waynesville, and other courtrooms in the circuit.
It reads, “Due to a resurgence of Covid-19 cases throughout the Circuit, especially the Delta Variant, among both vaccinated and unvaccinaed individuals, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, in accord with CDC guidelines, all those entering judicial areas of the courthouse, including courtrooms, clerk’s offices, judicial offices, corridors, jury rooms, lobbies and hallways, are required to wear a mask, whether vaccinated against the virus or not.
“Judges may allow unmasking in their courtrooms as circumstances warrant.”
Employees may unmask at and within their personal workspace unless their supervisor requires all the mask.
And Sustainable Ozarks Partnership has decided that its annual meeting August 19th will not be an in person event as planned, but will be conducted virtually as it was last year.