Legislation proposed would ensure that the men and women of our armed forces can continue serving in their field of expertise even after they depart from the service
State Representative Derek Grier, Republican from Chesterfield, is seeking to ensure that the men and women of our armed forces can continue serving in their field of expertise even after they depart from the service. Grier this year has sponsored legislation, HB 476, which would amend state statutes to include military occupational specialties among the criteria that would fall under the purview of licensing to legally practice an occupation or profession. Currently, any person who holds a valid current license issued by another state, territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia, and who has been licensed for at least one year in another jurisdiction, may submit an application for a license in Missouri in the same occupation or profession, and at the same practice level, for which he or she hold their current license. Grier is seeking to add those who have been licensed by the military to the list of those who apply. Grier says, “Our military men and women ought to be able to use the training they have received while serving to come home and get skilled jobs, and to continue utilizing the skills they have worked so hard to obtain.”