The winner of the Build A Better Burger contest, held at Elm Street Eatery, was announced on Monday afternoon. Proceeds from the contest benefit the Shop With A Cop program. Kacie Springer, with the Lebanon Police Department says they were overwhelmed this year with the response, and donations, to the Shop With A Cop program……..

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Randy Palilla, with Elm Street Eatery, says the real winners of the Build A Better Burger contest are the children………

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The winner of the contest was the Lebanon Fire Department, who created the Agency Assist burger. Michelle Cochran, with Elm Street Eatery announced the numbers of each burger sold………..

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Over five thousand dollars was raised for the Shop With A Cop program. In 2015 there were a total of 787 burgers sold during the contest, this year there were over 25-hundred burgers sold. Shop With A Cop children will go shopping in early December.

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