Lebanon City Council discussed a bill that would put an issue on the ballot in 2024 that would ban recreational marijuana sales inside the city limits of Lebanon. During the discussion, Councilman Ken Eldridge voiced his opinion…

The Council had until 2024 to make the decision, but it is the staff’s opinion that if they decide now, it will help retailers decide whether to put a store in the city. Councilman Randy Wall shared his perspective on the financial side of the issue…

In a vote of 7 to zero, Lebanon City Council voted to put the ban on the sale of recreational marijuana on the November 2024 and leave it up to the voters. It will take a 60 percent majority for the ban to be implemented.



On Monday night, Lebanon City Council voted to approve a contract with Willard Asphalt, who was the sole bidder for asphalt for the city in the calendar year 2023. In other business, Council was asked to decide if they would extend the contract with Sparks Consulting, which has conducted the citizen and business satisfaction surveys since 2018. While the language of the bill presented stated, the survey would be done every two years, one of the points of discussion was whether to have the surveys done every two or three years. Councilman Jonathan Reagan said he feels like every three years is sufficient, prompting additional discussion among the council members, including Randy Wall…



The contract included a cost of 21 thousand dollars a year, plus another $ 62 hundred for the consultant to meet with the council at their retreat. The bill passed with a vote of 2 to 5, with Reagan and Councilwoman Sheila Mitchell voting no because they felt that every three years was adequate. In other business, Lebanon City Council approved a lease agreement to allow U.S. Representative Mark Alford to have office space at the Cowan Civic Center at $500 per month.