Lebanon City Council approves Child I.D. and Career Ready program
Lebanon City Council was asked to consider the purchase of a Child I.D. System during Monday night’s meeting. Police Chief Brian Arnold said they are requesting approval to purchase 3 units.
Arnold said the system is portable and they can take them to schools, libraries, senior care centers, to allow people to participate. The data is not stored with the Police Department. Lebanon City Council approved the purchase at a cost of $17,873. Chief Arnold said they could have the equipment within a couple of weeks.
The City of Lebanon is entering into a Career Skills Program agreement and an Employer Internship agreement with the Army Garrison at Fort Leonard Wood. The program will allow soldiers who are transitioning out of the military to work for the City of Lebanon. Human Resources Director Kathy Milliken made a presentation to Lebanon City Council on Monday night.
Millikin said after the 4 months when positions are available the intern would have a better chance of being hired by the City. City Council voted to approve the agreement.