Lebanon City Council Agenda for June 26
Tonight(mon), Lebanon City Council will hold public hearings on 5 items related to planning and zoning. On the public hearing agenda will be rezoning Lot 4 of the Conn C Winfrey Memorial Acres Subdivision from RS-1 Residential to C-1 Commercial. Rezoning is requested for the construction a new Dollar General Store, the final plat of 708 West Commercial, a replat of 425 Cobb Drive, 1904 Donna Circle and 933 St Louis. Following the public hearings City Council will vote on the requests. The Lebanon Tourism Department will be making requests for advertising services for radio, print, digital, and billboard. Council will be asked to approve necessary documents for 12 street overlay projects, and they will vote on agreements with Toth and Associates, L&B Services, and MFA Oil. T-Hanger Lease agreements at the Floyd W Jones Airport, and a task order with Olsson for the Wallace Park Master Plan. Purchases requested includes 4 imaging cameras for the Fire Department, shade structures for Nelson Park, and 2 pickups for the Parks Department. The agreement for the City Health Benefit Plan is also on the agenda. Council will consider the first reading on an ordinance implementing compensation for people serving on the Zoning and Planning Commission. Lebanon City Council will meet tonight (mon) at 6pm at City Hall.