Laclede County Public Water 1 boil advisory continues

As of July 12th Laclede County Public Water Supply District #1 announced to their customers a precautionary boil water advisory. The advisory was issued due to a water service break, which created a low pressure or complete outage event. This affects customers on Highway W (Rt. 66), Normandy, Dunklin, Dogwood, Edison, Highway 32, Douglas Circle, and surrounding roads. This advisory will remain in effect until satisfactory bacteriological sample results have been confirmed.

It is suggested that customers in the affected area boil their water vigorously for 3 minutes prior to use. Use only water that has been boiled for drinking to dilute fruit juices, food preparation and brushing teeth. Dispose of ice cubs and do not use ice from a household automatic ice maker. Remake ice cubs with boiled water. Disinfect dishes and other food contact surfaces with by immersion for at least 1 minute with clean tap water that contains on teaspoon of unscented household bleach per gallon of water. Water that will not be ingested generally does not need to be boiled. (i.e. bathing, laundry)

Supervision of children is suggested while bathing or using backyard pools so water is not ingested. When sample results are confirmed, customers will be notified via radio and/or on the district website, You can sign up for alerts through our website. Please call the district office with any questions. 417-532-3171. The water test results are expected Wednesday or Thursday July 20