Laclede County Primary Candidate filings end

The filing deadline has passed for the August Primary and the list has been finalized in Laclede County. These are the filings that will be placed on the August Ballot.
Each candidate has filed on the Republican Ticket. Laclede County Assessor: incumbent Julie Rayl-Gilstrap and Brett Burroughs. Eastern District County Commissioner- incumbent David Layman, Adam Fries, David Miller, Laina Starnes, and Erik Lindsey. Unopposed are Western District Commissioner: Joseph (Joe) Wasmer, Coroner incumbent Steve Murrell, Public Administrator: incumbent Annette Charles and Surveyor incumbent Steve Mathis. Those seeking the office of Laclede County Sheriff are Matt Frederick and Gregory Mattes. Along with a long list of committee candidates. You can find the full list on the Laclede County Clerk Website.