Camden and Laclede Co August Primary Candidate filings  as of Feb 28

Filing is underway for the August 6 Primary Election, with multiple candidates filing for the various county seats. In Laclede County, those who have filed so far on the Republican ticket:
Incumbent Assessor: Julie Rayl-Gilstrap
Incumbent Coroner: Steve Murrell
Incumbent Eastern District Commissioner: David Layman, along with challengers David Miller and Adam Fries
Incumbent Public Administrator: Annette Charles
Western Commissioner- Joseph (Joe) Wasmer
County Sheriff- Matt Frederick (Rep)
East Lebanon Township Committee Person: Steve Murrell (Rep) and David Miller (Rep)
Spring Hollow Township- Committee Person: Joseph (Joe) Wasmer (Rep)
Auglaize Township-
Eldridge Township-
Gasconade Township-
Maysmith Township-
Osage Township-
Phillipsburg Township-
Union Township-
Washington Township-
W Lebanon Township-
No one has filed on the Democratic Ticket in Laclede County.
In Camden County: on the Republican Ticket: Sheriff: Jeff Beauchamp, Jimmy Brashear, Brian Butts, Phil Cannon, Chris Edgar, and Greg Sellers. For Commissioner District 1: james Gohagan. For Commissioner District 2: Steve Dougan, Deryl Osborn, and Bill Walker. Public Administrator: Thomas Forsline, Treasurer: Kendra Hicks and Assessor: Marty Mcguire.