July 4th fireworks on post with music provided through 97.9 KFBD
(Fort Leonard Wood)–Fort Leonard Wood will hold an Independence Day Fireworks Show beginning at 9:30 p.m. July 4th. Department of Defense ID cardholders may view the fireworks from the parking lots at the United Service Organizations building, Nutter Field House, the Main Post Chapel, the Rec Plex, the Post Exchange, Baker Theater, Abrams Theater, Bldg. 470 along Replacement Avenue, Daugherty Bowling Center, and along the roadside at Gammon Field. Unlike in past years, the general public who live off post and don’t have a Department of Defense I-D card will not be admitted on post to see the fireworks. The fireworks will be live-streamed on the Fort Leonard Wood Facebook page at www.facebook.com/fortleonardwoodmissouri.
Constitution Avenue will be closed to through traffic from 9 to 10 p.m. Large group gatherings are discouraged. Attendees are encouraged to practice social distancing. The fireworks will be live-streamed on the Fort Leonard Wood Facebook page at www.facebook.com/fortleonardwoodmissouri. Patriotic music for the fireworks show will be broadcast on radio station KFBD at 97.9 FM, beginning at 9:30 Saturday evening.