Fort Wood will trigger it’s Tornado Warning System Tuesday in conjunction with the state wide Tornado Drill
(Fort Leonard Wood)–This is the annual Missouri statewide severe weather week across the state Today is preparedness day, tomorrow brings the annual tornado drill day, Wednesday is flash-flood safety day, Thursday is severe thunderstorm day, and Friday will be the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather radio day. Fort Leonard Wood will trigger its mass warning system tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock to notify the post’s population that the drill has begun. According to Troy Carney, installation emergency management specialist, the expectation is that all personnel and families on post will respond as if it were an actual emergency and take sheltering actions. Carney says the first five to ten minutes after the sirens begin can be the most important–being the difference between life and death. On December 31st of 2010, a tornado caused an estimated 90-million dollars in damage to homes and training areas. As a direct response to that, storm shelters were installed at ranges and training areas to ensure the safety of trainees.