Fort Leonard Wood Soldier is Army’s Drill Sergeant of the Year
In a virtual ceremony on Aug 5th, the U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training named Staff Sgt. Erik Rostamo, a drill sergeant with Fort Leonard Wood’s 14th Military Police Brigade, the 2020 U.S. Army Drill Sergeant of the Year. Regional Radio’s Hayden Douglas spoke to Staff Sgt. Erik Rostamo about his preparation for the competition.
Command Sergeant Major, James Breckinridge, from Fort Leonard wood, had the honor of naming Staff Sgt. Erik Rostamo, Army’s Drill Sergeant of the Year. Sgt. Maj. Breckinridge, mentions the true honor of this award for a Fort Leonard Wood unit, and what the future looks like for Staff Sgt. Erik Rostamo.
Rostamo, competed against 10 other drill sergeants from units across the Army to earn the prestigious title. During the competition, drill sergeants had to complete a 12-mile foot march, the Army Combat Fitness Test, land navigation, weapons qualification, a 200-question exam and a virtual board interview.
Staff Sgt. Erik Rostamo with Fort Leonard Wood’s 14th Military Police Brigade is the 2020 U.S. Army Drill Sergeant of the Year.