Eleven new covid cases reported Monday in Laclede County. 14 cases to date in Laclede County Schools. Waynesville Schools reports 4 cases.
The Laclede County Health Department reported eleven additional positive laboratory-confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Laclede County on Monday. That brings the total of 402 cases to date. Laclede County positive cases associated with a school district: Lebanon High School -6, Lebanon Middle School -2, Boswell Elementary School -2, Hillcrest Education Center -2, Transportation Department -1, Conway School District, Ezard Elementary School -1. School associated case investigation and contact tracing have been completed. Close contacts with individuals have been personally notified, with necessary instructions provided. The Laclede County Health Department says this is an accumulative total since the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year.
The Waynesville R-VI School District has been notified that one individual at Waynesville High School, two individuals at Waynesville Middle School, and one individual at East Elementary have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. All individuals who have had close contact with the positive cases have been notified and will be in isolation for 14 days.
Unless parents are notified otherwise, their students may remain in school, per guidance from the Pulaski County Health Department.
The positive individuals will not be identified, per federal privacy guidelines.