Drug arrests in Camden County
An investigation by the Camden County Sheriff’s Office led to the arrest of a man for drug crimes. Deputies responded to the residence of Andrew Joseph McAfoos on Friday with a search warrant. While a deputy was speaking to McAfoos he noticed a glass pipe with white residue along the stem. A search of his room resulted in the seizure of items that contained methamphetamine, and used needles. McAfoos is charged with felony possession of a controlled substance.
Another investigation began with a traffic stop on Highway 7. Donald Duane Liley was pulled over for not having rear brake lights. When the deputy ran a check on him, Liley was found to be on probation and parole, and was found to be in possession of marijuana. During a subsequent search of his vehicle, the deputy located a cup in the center console with a liquid and ice inside. When the lid was removed from the cup, a baggie with a substance that tested positive for methamphetamine was located on the top of the liquid. Donald Duane Liley was charged with felony possession of a controlled substance.