The number of positive cases and quarantined students at Waynesville High School has continued to rise; therefore, Waynesville High School students moved into Phase II of the district’s reopening plan starting today.
Phase II is a reduced attendance plan that focuses on bringing a lower number of students into the school. Some students with unique learning needs will attend the high school in the seated classroom. All other high school students will be learning online from home and following their regular daily bell schedule. Attendance will be taken each period.
At this point, all high school students will be returning to the seated classroom on November 30th.
During Phase II, additional precautions will be in place, including random screenings of students and additional daily cleaning.
High school athletes will be participating in virtual practices only.
The district, in close cooperation with the Pulaski County Health Department, has reached this decision in an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among high school students.