Commissioners discuss demolition of Old Sheriff’s Office and County Jail
Since the construction of the current Laclede County Government Center, County Commissions have been trying to decide the fate of the old County Sheriff’s Office and Jail. Over the years the building has been a standing landmark to the history of Laclede County, but it has deteriorated to the point that some say it’s unsafe. During recent County Commission meetings, the topic of the old jail has been brought up again and it appears that the building may soon be torn down. However, Presiding Commissioner Randy Angst says they still want to preserve pieces of the old jail, by repurposing some of the materials..
Angst said the cost to keep the building and make it safe again could be up to a million dollars which is beyond the county budget. The current Commission found it more attractive to tear down the building and putting something in it’s place. The Laclede County Government Center property is landlocked, and the space which is at a premium, could also help the county address some A.D.A. issues, including parking. Planning is very preliminary, and while the project is part of the 2021 budget, how much isn’t known, because the budget won’t be finalized for a couple of weeks.