Graduation Ceremonies that were postponed in May due to the coronavirus outbreak will start to take place this weekend in the Fort Leonard Wood area. Iberia High School graduation will take place Saturday evening at 6 o’clock on the lawn between the school building and the ball fields. Graduation for the Stoutland High School Class of 2020 will take place next Saturday, June 20th, at 8 p-m on the Stoutland Baseball Field. Dixon’s graduation ceremonies will take place on Friday, June 26th, on the baseball field. Plato will have its graduation taking place on June 26th as well, starting at 5:30. Crocker commencement is scheduled for Sunday, June 28th, in the high school gym.  Graduation in Richland is set for Friday, July 10th. Meanwhile, graduation ceremonies for the Class of 2020 at Waynesville High School will be held next Friday, June 19th, at 7:30 in the evening in Tiger Stadium.