Central Missouri I-44 Work Projects Now Won’t Be Completed Until Next Spring And Summer

For motorists who are tiring of various construction work on I-44 and believing initial MODOT word that the projects would be completed by this month, the newest weekly construction update reveals otherwise.
The completion date for that resurfacing and reconstruction project from Exit 186 in Rolla to Exit 195 in St. James now won’t be completed until July next summer. Expect around-the-clock lane closures from U.S. Route 63 to Missouri Route 68. An 11-foot width restriction is in place.

Periodic bridge rehabilitation work continues at the Roubidoux River Bridge. The project is scheduled for completion in April 2024.

And bridge rehabilitation work continues at the Big Piney River Bridge. One lane will remain closed for the duration of the project between Exits 163 and 169. The project now is scheduled for completion in April 2024.