Busy meeting for Lebanon City Council with newly elected members sworn in
After serving a total of 6 years as City Councilwoman Leann Mather performed her duties for the final time in 2020. Mayor Jared Carr recognized Councilwoman Mather for her service to the city, during Monday night’s meeting….
The sitting City Council adjourned and the newly elected council members, Gib Adkins, Chuck Jordan, Sheila Mitchell, Josh Ray, and the Mayor were sworn in to serve the next term. When the new City Council was called to order, Councilman Bob Garner was elected by the Council to serve as Mayor Pro-tem.
Mayor Lyle Anderson Gold Leaf awards were presented by mayor Jared Carr, during Monday night’s meeting. Mayor Carr made the first presentation to Don Anderson for his work with the Love Your Neighbor Project…
Dustin Bolt and Steven Fries were both presented the GoldLeaf Award for youth, for their volunteer service to the community. The SilverLeaf Award was presented to Tina Akers for her efforts to help the community during the Corona Virus Crisis, by developing hand sanitizer and packaging it to provide to care centers and individuals. Charla Baker and the Laclede CountyHealth Department was also recognized for their efforts to keep the community safe and informed.
Lebanon City Council held a Public hearing on the fiscal year 2021 budget. Kat Gil, Finance Director for the City of Lebanon gave an overview of the budget which included the top 3 priorities including addressing traffic flow, code enforcement, and maintenance of streets and buildings. Gil said they anticipated a 5 percent decrease in revenue in the budget. The city saw a 4 percent increase in revenue in 2020 due to the public safety tax and financing, which will allow the addition of 6 firefighters and 4 police officers. Gil said the budget includes $17.3 million in Capital investments, including over a million for streets…..
Nearly $121-thousand was budgeted for Parks. Total appropriations in the budget are $64-million-141-thousand-401-dollars, with an estimated ending fund balance of $15-million-200-thousand-217-dollars. Following the public hearing, City Council unanimously voted to approve the 2021 fiscal year budget. — \
Lebanon City Council considered a task order with Toth and associates to perform an inspection of the electric system for the 2020 storm restoration project. Electric Supervisor Travis Long talked about the extent of the project…
Long told the council that during cleanup they found additional broken poles and other issues. Toth will compile a list of what needs to be done and update the current map. Council approved an agreement with BBC Electrical Services for Fiber installation projects for new fiber. Council also approved a request to surplus 23 portable and 24 mobile radios. The surplus radios will be going to Lebanon Rural Fire Protection District. Council also voted to renew the contract with City Administrator Mike Schumacher.