The public has a chance to Visit Bennett Spring State Park near Lebanon, from Feb. 27th through Oct. 31st for a self-guided tour of the Civilian Conversation Corps structures. Visitors can stop by the nature center to pick up a self-guided tour brochure that includes a map and description of the buildings, built with stone and wood. This brochure was created by a local resident, and previous park interpreter, Becky Day. The CCC was a program established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. From 1933 to 1937 several structures were created at Bennett Spring State Park. The Bennett Spring State Park 1772 CCC Company consisted of more than 200 men who had served in World War I. The men raised many of the buildings that formed the core of the town of Brice, using manual labor to accomplish long-lasting historic structures. There is an exhibit with artifacts on display in the nature center that gives more information and pictures of that time period. Visitors today cross the historic CCC stone bridge when going to the historic restaurant that resides within Bennett Spring State Park. To view and learn more about the CCC, visit the nature center from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday, Feb. 27 through Oct. 31. The park restaurant, located in a CCC structure, is open daily for breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the months of March to October from 7 a.m. until one hour after fishing for the day ends. Bennett Spring State Park is located 12 miles West of Lebanon on Highway 64.