Blood suppliers across the country including the American Red Cross are reporting a shortage of convalescent plasma, which is used in the treatment of patients with COVID 19. The amount of plasma being distributed is outweighing the number of donations coming in. Individuals who have fully recovered and received a verified COVID-19 diagnosis are urged to sign up to give convalescent plasma now by completing the donor eligibility form at In addition, the Red Cross is urging healthy individuals to give blood to restock the shelves for patients battling the disease and facing the unexpected. In Lebanon, there will be a blood drive next Thursday, August 13th at the Mills Center. Joe Zydlo with the Red Cross says the donated blood will be tested for the COVID 19 antibodies…

The August 13th blood drive in Lebanon will take place from 10 am to 4 pm. The Mills Center is located at 650 Mills Drive in Lebanon. Zydlo said blood donor information is kept confidential.