A case of Chronic wasting was found in Pulaski County. MDC has set up deer testing stations
During the first part of the archery deer season, an area hunter harvested a deer that was found to have Chronic Wasting Disease, commonly known as C.W.D in Pulaski county. This was the first case to show up in the county. The Missouri Department of Conservation encourages hunters in the Pulaski County area to have their deer tested for chronic wasting disease and has established two sampling stations in Pulaski County for the opening weekend of firearms deer season Nov. 14th and 15th, this Saturday and Sunday. The 2 sampling stations will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., for hunters to bring their deer; or, the head and 6 inches of the neck, to one of these stations to be tested for CWD. Those locations are:
Richland High School, (Located at the junction of Highway 7 & Highway 133 in Richland)
The Waynesville Fire Training Center, (Located on the north side of I-44 at mile marker 153 and the Highway 17 junction).
Hunters who wish to have deer sampled on days other than Nov. 14th and 15th, can take the head and 6 inches of the neck from their deer with the antlers removed, to the freezer “head-drop” locations:
LMC Convenience Store, (junction of Route 66 and Ichord Avenue)
The Outdoor Adventure Center, Building 2290, FLW.
Hunters may also present deer to Frankie Gordon at Classy Taxidermy for sampling. An appointment can be made by calling 573-433-0403.
Find locations and more information online at mdc.mo.gov/cwd or by contacting the Ozark Regional Office at 417-256-7161.