22 new covid cases reported end of the day Friday for Laclede County
Laclede County Health Department has reported 22 more cases of COVID 19 on Friday. Cases #460 to #481 are 21 -Symptomatic, 1 -Asymptomatic, 16 -Identified as close contact to a positive case, 2- Identified as household contact to a positive case, and 4- No known contact to a positive case assumed community spread. Lebanon R-3, 7- at the high school, 3- at the middle school, 3- at Boswell Elementry, 2- at Hillcrest Education Center, 1- at Esther Elementary, and 1- at the transportation department. In Conway School District; Ezard Elementary School. The total is now 480 cases to date, 135 currently being monitored, 342 considered recovered, and 3 deaths.