2020 Army Emergency Relief annual fundraising campaign comes to an end Friday
(Fort Leonard Wood)–The 2020 Army Emergency Relief annual fundraising campaign comes to an end Friday. According to Chuck Matthews, Fort Leonard Wood AER officer, the installation’s goal this year is to raise $150,000. The Army also has a goal that at least 23 percent of Soldiers donate to the campaign. As of July 24th, donations on post only totaled $22,186 with 6.5 percent of Soldiers donating. Matthews says that although this year’s fundraising campaign has been delayed and impacted by COVID-19, the local AER staff have helped Soldiers and families meet their needs during this time with $171,958 provided to more than 100 Soldiers since March. He says Soldiers can donate by payroll allotment, credit or debit card online or by cash or check. Civilian personnel can also donate to AER at any time. All donations are tax-deductible. The 2019 campaign raised $195,239 in donations and 27.8 percent of Soldiers donated to AER. In turn, the AER provided $795,732 in loans and grants to 657 Fort Leonard Wood Soldiers, as well as 122 educational scholarships worth $145,803 to 68 children and 54 spouses on post. This totals $941,535, or $4.75 in assistance for every dollar donated to the campaign. Matthews encourages everyone to contact their unit AER representatives and donate. For more information, call the installation campaign coordinator, Capt. Walter Kincade, at 573.596.2592, or the AER office at 573.596.0212.